“I WISH I WOULD’VE TAKEN MY HEALTH MORE SERIOUSLY” is what Earl Ropata said before he died of type 2 diabetes. This is from an article I shared in my newsletter this week.
It’s too easy to drift along living the life of excessive:
😕high sodium
🙁processed foods
🙁no or little exercise
🙁poor sleep
😕Unfortunately being forced to make a change because of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or something else. I’m grateful I get to see people willing to make a change to their health and wellness & fitness.
😀I also shared an article on questions asked about veganism, keto, carbs, grains, fasting. I liked the end response by Dr Emma Beckett whose a molecular nutritionist & lecturer in Food Science. Here’s what she said as her last word on health:
😀It's not one thing that is the dealbreaker. It's all about balance and moderation. That is a really unsexy message and it's difficult to sell.
😀Most of us aren't eating enough fruit or vegetables and we're getting too much energy in our diets. Focus on balance, moderation and variety. Don't get your head turned by so called "easy fixes". Don't focus on your weight.
😀Don't buy into the shame and the bad relationship with food and the wars between all the different tribes about keto or paleo or low-carb.
😀For me, it's all about bringing back common sense. Nourish and be kind to your body, and remember that not every food decision is about health. Food is about fun sometimes; I am pro cake.
😀There's not good food and bad food. It's the sum of our entire diet that matters, and that's long-term, not just in one day or week or month.
🧐So from me: Please re-consider your health & don’t drift along believing you’ll be ok & it won’t be you.
🧐If your stuck with what you need to do then seeing someone like me maybe a good start. Consider your family or friends & how much you want to be part of their lives.
🧐Making some small changes can turn into big steps. We’ve all read the stories in newspapers & online of those that have. I see those people too - they inspire me with their determination to live better lives.
😘Enjoy your weekend & may it be one of better health! Start NOW!