❌These are all diets that we have all heard about. Do they work?
❌No because sticking to them long term is almost impossible & you return to your previous habits! I have a better way to live!
⭕️It’s called change your diet into a lifestyle of nutritious eating:
✅ not following some plan that becomes too hard
✅ not starving
✅ not saying no to some food groups
✅ not measuring food weights
✅ not measuring calories
✅ not drinking shakes
✅ If you can FOCUS on one of the diets above then you can I hope you can focus on WHOLE FOODS instead.
🤔I also would like you to understand some of the above diets have some merit.
🤔If you are going to try fasting you want to ensure you aren’t compromising your nutritional needs.
🤔Dr Libby Weaver also talks about how some diets restrict high calorie foods which could include avocado, nuts, seeds and oily fish so restricting calories could cut out these nutritional food sources.
❌Prolonged calorie restriction can lead to a loss of muscle mass too!
🤔Keto / Paleo have some merit as are about whole foods also but being restrictive or needing to measure quantities can become tiresome over time.
🤔And eating one fruit / vegetable OMG just NO! And do you want to drink all your foods & how does that work in the real world?
‼️Remember the diet doesn’t work it’s the cutting out the extras that does and you don’t need a diet to do that!
✅Whereas the concept of being a flexitarian is about listening to what will best serve your body, health, energy.
✅We so often rely on outside sources to tell us how we should eat, where instead we should be paying attention to what energises us, what makes us feel good, the food that doesn't bloat us . . . what serves you as an individual might not be what serves your next door neighbour.
✅Consider a balanced life with some treats thrown into the mix along with what nutritionally serves us.
✅What portion sizes do you need to feel full but not over full? Are you hydrating your body or filling your liver with loaders such as alcohol?
❤️When you focus on your health you don’t need a diet as the food choices you make improve your overall wellbeing!
☀️Enjoy the last weekend of November as it means the FIRST DAY OF SUMMER!
