So how does your tomorrow look? Have you consider how you’d fare if you got sick or injured? How strong is your body to fight off an attack or to recover from an injury?
🧐It’s too late to start when you are sick or injured! START NOW!
🧐Not only does your nutrition & fitness give you the opportunity to live a FANTASTIC life of doing anything & everything you want BUT it gives you the fighting ability to recover from injury or sickness! Take the opportunity you have NOW TO head in the healthier & fitter direction.
🆗I also mentioned this week how Dr Libby Weaver mentions her number one health tip - diaphragmatically breathing. Consider this she says “We live for the shortest time without oxygen. Next comes water, and thirdly food. How you breath plays a significant role in the information your body picks up on about what must be occurring in your environment.” Here’s a link to read more
She goes on to say that she considers there to be 11 tips for vibrant health & I shared 5 of these this week:
🆗Breath Diaphragmatically
🆗Drink Water
🆗Eat Whole real food
🆗Build Muscle
🆗Stretch / Deep Tissue Massage
⬆️Consider if the above are included in your life & if not then how you can include them. I can guarantee they will add to your TOMORROW IMPROVING ON YOUR TODAY!
➡️We have also started our challenge for OCTOBER - KILOMETRES - how many can you do in a week? On the bike, on a walk, run, swim or a tramp! And this week we managed to travel & THIS YOU'LL NEED TO CHECK OUT ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE!
😫I tore a huge chunk off my heel 12 days ago which has meant no running as my shoes hurt the heel, however there is always a PLAN B - so I hoped on my bike. A just don’t give up attitude is needed to keep going sometimes & I hope I’m my clients PLAN B when they need motivation, encouragement or another option!
😀Keep going as FITNESS & HEALTH is so worth the EFFORT!