‼️In 90 minutes you could go for a run, read this article, make a coffee, hug your partner, devour a pie .
💔During this time ONE New Zealander will have died from heart disease, leaving a child/ren & partner alone & friends in shock.
❤️All of us can reduce our risk of having a heart related illness by being more active.
❤️It’s recommended that you get your heart rate up for about 30minutes five to six days a week. The article below also advises healthy eating. Which can be a confusing area but what they’re talking about is a balanced, commonsense & sensible eating of whole foods.
💔Alcohol, processed foods, stress & less movement are all culprits in poor heart health.
A no brainer really yet many continue to live their life believing the - WON’T BE ME mantra!
💔I’ve sometimes been made to feel awkward because of my lifestyle of healthy living & I don’t propose perfection just moderation!
I don’t say it will save me... but I’m doing my BEST to be around to enjoy my family TIME.
‼️I don’t understand the mentality of SHE’LL BE RIGHT! Why take the risk?
❤️So I’m saying to you TRY to improve your RISK! Read the article & follow up! https://m2now.com/how-to-survive-heart-disease/
✔️And to prove we can all make changes…In my gym this month we are giving up or adding in! For me this means no sugar in my coffee & no licking the knife /spoon when I put Pic’s Peanut Butter on my toast! Pic’s Peanut Butter is a fabulous snack but I believe I’m eating a little much!
✔️So what are you choosing to give up or what action could you add in? Join us for ONE MONTH & try to improve one thing! (or two)
❄️Last MONTH of WINTER - WOW - spring will be here before you know it - so make those changes - keep the focus & the motivation going as it’s about to get warmer!
☀️But the lighter mornings & nights have already improved so make the decision to get outside & make a change happen now!