OPENING AGAIN has been so wonderful & distancing & sanitising isn’t a problem when you see one at a time! Safe - clean - Fitness training!
💕Supporting this small businesses is appreciated. And if we support local & each other we can make a difference 💕
🌥It’s starting to cool down too so heading inside to pick up those days you’ll miss because of weather could make me an option.
💦Before you exercise make sure you STAY HYDRATED AND PROPERLY FUELED
💦Once you’re dehydrated and hungry, it could be too late to reverse the effects on your muscles.
💦Think ahead for training days and be sure to keep your body hydrated and fed. The best time to eat and drink is when you’re feeling fine and running smoothly, not when you’re already suffering.
💦Make sure you’re eating enough and getting the right nutrients daily. A high carb snack before exercising will provide your muscles with glycogen stores for fuel. This becomes the most readily available form of energy to your body during exercise.
💦Because dehydration leads to muscle fatigue and cramps it’s important to drink an ample amount of water not only just before exercising but one to two hours beforehand - one to two cups.
💕Have a great weekend. I’m looking forward to a full week ahead seeing those I know & hopefully some NEW people as I have a few spaces. MESSAGE ME TODAY!