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Writer's pictureTracey Tordoff

Removing BAD HABITS so that we have HEALTH GAINS!

Updated: Nov 11, 2021

🧐It’s that old adage - It’s not affecting me now so I don’t need to do anything!

😕If you could see inside your body would….

❌You're Liver able to remove toxins or does it process alcohol or other loaders first?

❌Are your arteries clogged from a highly processed diet?

❌How well is your heart beating or do you have high blood pressure?

❌Do you have visceral fat around your organs in your tummy region?

❌Are your teeth rotting from too many high sugar fizzy drinks?

❌Do you have blood in your urine & are your kidneys working as they should?

❌Are your lungs clogged from smoking or other chemicals?

🧐Are you hiding behind your current seemly ok health?

❌Or are you getting ready to take a multitude of pills to alleviate the above problems largely caused by lifestyle choices?

❌Are you prepared to deal with the consequences of poor choices later in life?

🧐What type of LIFE do you want to have as you AGE?

🧐There is a better choice and a better life waiting ANYTIME you wish to change!

😍A life filled with activity, fun & money spent on enjoying the time you have with those around you!

All that’s required is:

❤️whole food choices

❤️limiting alcohol. (not saying none, just occasionally!)

❤️limiting takeaways (not saying none, just occasionally!)

❤️limiting sweet treats (not saying none, just occasionally!)

❤️enjoying some exercise!

😍These are not difficult changes & I can assure you when you choose HEALTH your life does improve as you have more ENERGY TO ENJOY LIFE!

🙏🏻But you need to make a choice, a change, and follow a new direction.

😏It can be HARD as the body has become use to your slower, less healthy way of life! But persist!

🙏🏻Consider your future! Consider your family! Consider your view out the window!

🧐Dr Libby talks here on your liver …maybe this is where you need help

🙏🏻And for my clients keep going with the 5-10 press ups Monday to Thursday at home & have a great show weekend even if it’s completely different this COVID year!

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