The beginning of the year can bring plans to DIET or LOSE WEIGHT - just don’t start with numbers on the scale.
✴️I totally agree with Dr Libby Weaver in the article below and I NEVER weigh clients either. Weight doesn’t indicate how healthy we are & OUR TARGET IS TO IMPROVE OUR HEALTH.
✴️Shape doesn’t determine HEALTH - we are all born with certain genetics, which determines height, length of arms, legs, torso, etc
✴️However body fat is something we can improve & this is where becoming healthier is a goal.
❌Excess body fat especially visceral (around the tummy) or liver role (under chest) mean HUGE☹️ health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, liver disease could be possible
✴️So put HEALTH before everything else & then everything else falls into place.
💙Ask yourself is the food you’re eating Nutritious & what nutritional benefit do you get - Or none?
💙Ask yourself what does this drink give me - water a must but other drinks 🧐 enjoy occasionally but often, then if your goal is to improve your health…you need to change this.
💙Do you move…heart raising? 4-5 days?
💙Do you sleep well?
💙Are you stressed? How can you change this?
Enjoy the read on what Dr Libby believes about this topic.