How apt with Covid rearing it’s head again 😤
🥺Don’t feel guilty if you're eating & drinking & lack of exercise on the weekend let you down with your fitness & health journey - occasionally or if it is a one off.
🥺If the weekend becomes a regular occurrence or continues into your week then you do need to look at the choices you are making. But if this is not the case then we need to step forward & continue!
🥺I use to feel guilty if I ate takeaway foods, had some chocolate, some drinks or something that wasn’t in my DIET. I use to almost beat myself up mentally for falling off the DIET and not realise that one chocolate isn’t going to make a huge difference. Chocolate all week would!
🤩I don’t have a diet anymore I have a lifestyle & eat nutritious foods most of the time. My body is fit, healthy & where I want it to be & so if I have treat foods or drinks now I just enjoy & move on.
🤩🤩🤩I’ve been living this life for over 12 years since I became a Personal Trainer, before that I tried potions to make me skinny (would rather be strong!), too much exercise (no gain), starving myself with eating very little, weighed myself daily which all brought misery. But now I have the tools to live a happy life with no guilt or recriminations!
🤩Amazing how the GUT is as important as our BRAIN & HEART yet I am sure most of us give it very little consideration. New research shows gut bacteria can play a role in everything from bloating, food intolerances, allergies and obesity to Alzheimer’s and depression. The good news is we can heal our gut - and our health issues - by feeding ourselves the right way.
If you missed the article the link on Monday to read the full VERY INTERESTING ARTICLE
🤩What amazing weather we are having! So if you have an excuse not to be getting outside - I guess it maybe an injury or illness in which case rest up & recover which is what your body needs right now.
😎If this is not you then enjoy the beautiful world we live in! 3 weeks including this week until glorious spring!