🎄With less than 4 weeks until CHRISTMAS life is getting busier & busier but don’t forget to make time for YOU!
FITNESS & NOURISHING FOODS help you keep up with the speed of life! As TOO much:
☹️processed foods
☹️lack of exercise
☹️poor sleep
only drain energy from YOU!
🎄It can be too easy to follow fantastic NUTRITION & FITNESS for the period leading into CHRISTMAS only to let it go!
👎🏻That effort you’ve put it can easily slide backward!
Remember to try to:
🔸eat before you go out or take a more nutritious starter
🔸watch the alcohol intake & perhaps mix in more water between drinks
🔸watch your portion sizes
🔸skip desert
Enjoy the socialising but be mindful of the extras!
👍🏻Remember it’s a lifestyle we are creating NOT A DIET!
👍🏻We are building healthy habits that we can continue with not short term yo-yo dieting habits!
👍🏻It’s about BALANCE - if your going out, make a great dinner choice, skip the desert & have a drink or skip the drink & have a desert. But balance up the choices.
👍🏻Enjoy the evening but don’t go for everything on offer especially if it’s a BUFFET!
🤨The challenge isn’t to live a life of reducing processed foods, treats, and alcohol only to let it all go at Christmas. The challenge is to find a balance so that this becomes your new life.
👍🏻One where you can have the takeaways, treats and alcohol BUT you don’t eat these everyday they are occasional choices.
☀️Summer is here or so the calendar tells us. In Canterbury we have been having quite a few wet days with extremely hot days mixed in.
🙏🏻Our challenge for December is GRATITUDE for all we do have.
