I told my clients this week of a conversation I’d had about being 52 with someone the same age. She believed life was on the downward slope.
😥Partly because of health & weight issues which impacted getting in & out of the car & shopping trips were becoming a struggle. These were only some things we discussed.
😥She believed her age was a barrier not her HEALTH! Once we worked on her health through more nutritious food choices & some exercise she was amazed at how these activities improved. Life got better, easier & opportunities opened up!
😥I’m saddened by the fact that this is the case for many people because of the same issues & yet they can improved their LIVES.
😀This is where I help clients & they talk about the adventures, activities & the FULL lives they lead because their FITNESS & HEALTH have improved so much!
✅DO NOT THINK THAT THIS CAN’T BE YOU! You can make a better life, you can be given motivation & direction but just take that one step to reaching out.
🌸Knowledge shared this week was on sugar cravings at 3pm or after dinner & why the sugary foods only give a burst not a sustained energy boost! How eating a healthy fat choice for lunch can slow that release of glucose & therefore you feel fuller for longer.
🌸The article I shared on Monday gives other strategies to replace that sweet choice from
Dr Libby Weaver! https://www.drlibby.com/health-wellbeing/10-foods-help-sugar-cravings/
🥚Anyhow please don’t stockpile EASTER EGGS or hot cross buns as we head towards Easter - instead enjoy a real egg & a few squares of dark chocolate! Enjoy your weekend.