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Writer's pictureTracey Tordoff


I have what I call “GO TO MEALS” these are meals I know I have the ingredients for in my fridge, freezer & pantry almost all the time.

🙆🏼‍♀️If I’m rushed I can whip these ingredients into a meal in a hurry.

🍳For example I almost always have eggs in my fridge - poached, boiled, an omelette (takes 5 min), scrambled in the microwave or used with some vegetables from the fridge or frozen vegetables into a frittata.

🍳Eggs can be breakfast, lunch or dinner at short notice & are very nutritious.

🍗I almost always have chicken kebabs in my freezer as they can quickly be defrosted & take no time to cook in the oven for dinner.   

🐠I also have frozen fish, frozen chicken, all types of frozen vegetables also new Mexican or with couscous or quinoa.

🍗There is always roast chicken at the supermarket as a grab & go option too.

🍜Some of the fantastic soups by the ’naked’ or ‘pitango’ brands found in the deli section have long use by dates & are a quick heat & eat suggestion for lunch or again dinner.

🐠Tins of tuna are another quick option along with the tegal chicken in the deli section which also has a good use by date length can be turned into a salad for lunch.

🍳Breakfast options of maybe porridge or eggs also quick & easy.

😊Snacks in the car save me from stopping for a quick service station choice or making an unhealthy buy in a cafe which has no great choices.

😊So when I’m in the car I have some bliss balls already to go, only having one will see me through until I can find a lunch choice that’s better.  Or nuts or fruit.

😊What is your GO TO MEAL?  In a hurry or on the run?  Think of some as this will ensure your choices aren’t limited to poor choices.

It’s a new term next week & for my clients a new NEWSLETTER & NEW GOALS …keep warm and dry outside it’s been wet and wild this week.

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