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Writer's pictureTracey Tordoff


šŸ’›With a client this week we talked about how awesome it is to be fit and strong & how great it feels! Another client walked 10km in the Masters in Timaru in the over 70 age group! šŸ‘šŸ»

šŸ’›Iā€™ve discussed before how we donā€™t want to be skinny & we also want to watch visceral fat (stomach) or liver rolls (bra line) or back fat which can all be harmful to our health.

āŒTUMMY FATā€¦.Sometimes we store fat because as Dr Libby says we churn out cortisol, our body believes weā€™re in danger and that food could be scarce, so it stores fat, rather than burning it.

āŒIt doesnā€™t know why youā€™re churning out cortisol, it only interprets the hormones that are being produced and acts accordinglyā€”in its best effort to save your life.

āŒAnd, for many women, over time, this leads to an increase in body fat.

OR TOO many people are led to believe that ageing and weight gain go hand in hand.

āŒThe thing is, if this was the. case, everyone would put on weight as they aged ā€“ and this does not happen. While itā€™s true that our body does change as we grow older, gaining weight with age is anything but inevitable.

šŸ“šRead this article about where fat is stored and whyā€¦

āŒIf you weigh yourself - I suggest you donā€™t!

Rather I believe in asking these questions and mostly is the best answer :

šŸ‘šŸ»Are you active in exercise?

šŸ‘šŸ»Are you hydrating the body - water?

šŸ‘šŸ»Are you eating a rainbow of vegetables?

šŸ‘šŸ»Are you eating 2-3 fruits per day?

šŸ‘ŽšŸ»Are you limiting takeaways / brought lunches to 1-2 times per week?

šŸ‘šŸ»Are you making homemade not from a jar or packet meals?

šŸ‘ŽšŸ»Are you limiting the Alcohol intake on weekends & not drinking during the week?

āŒReduce your need for sweets, fizzy, cakes, biscuits & scones or baked goods, white flour products, starchy carbohydrates & make sure they arenā€™t part of your every day?

šŸ’›To become HEALTHY FIT STRONG inside and out then changes to both our exercise & food choices plus sleep patterns, stress levels all need ticking?

āŒDONā€™T kid yourself youā€™re healthy if youā€™re not ticking the boxes as one day you may need your health! And it takes time to improve it.

šŸ’›Itā€™s never too late to make changes!

šŸ’›Ask if you want help! HEALTHY IS BEST!

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