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Writer's pictureTracey Tordoff

Eat good feel good

đŸ‘đŸ»Shift your focus to the abundance of beautiful & nourishing foods you can eat rather than the not so nourishing options you should try to minimise.

💛Especially as the Summer vegetables come into the Supermarkets / Grocers (love my local grocer)

❌I replaced the words CAN’T EAT in the paragraph above with should minimise.  As I don’t believe these is anything we can’t eat!

😋If we want to improve our health then making choices towards the more nutritious whole foods rather than processed foods.

It’s making steps not leaps that count!

đŸ€”Unfortunately for many people it’s confusing when considering what to eat with so many DIETS around - all with success stories but often not lifelong! Only short term!

😍It’s can be hard to believe there is a simple way but it also requires stickability and change.

😍It’s called eating real foods - foods that don’t have ingredients predominately!

😋We’ve been lead to believe that packet, jar, bagged & pre-prepared foods are quicker but slicing up some vegetables & cooking a piece of beef, lamb, chicken, fish is very quick too.  Add in some herbs or spices, maybe some olive oil, garlic, ginger & you have a whole food meal.

✏If you were to write out your weekly food choices how many processed food choices would you circle?  Perhaps write down what you ate yesterday & circle what’s processed?

✏What simple changes could you make to those?

😋We can all build unhealthy habits but are you willing to try & build new healthier nutritious ones?   

✏Try writing your food choices down this weekend for a start & see how you go?

To learn about the whole real foods - try this Dr Libby Weaver link

😍I am continuing my SWAP - old recipe habit for NEW one & it’s been one of the best choices I’ve made this year to stop ripping out recipes from magazines or downloading and never using recipes.

đŸ€ŁEvery week I’m excited by something new - a bit like MY FOOD BAG but the home version!

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