🦴Do you consider that we have peak bone mass at age 30!
🦴From age 50 most women rapidly make far less than they are losing?
🦴Not only do BONES provide structure, they protect some of our internal organs from injury, allow us to have the freedom of movement to go about our daily life, and store essential minerals that can be released when other body systems need them.
🦴BONES are full of calcium, the mineral that gives them hardness & strength which you need to get from food choices such as milk, cheese other dairy, green leafy vegetables, some fish (salmon) etc!
🍹Too much alcohol can interfere with calcium absorption, while caffeine and excessive amounts of protein can increase the amount of calcium that is excreted via the urine.
🌞You also need a supply of Vitamin D (a few minutes of sun exposure) each day to assist your body to absorb the dietary calcium!
🏋️Specific types of exercise also assist in improving bones - such as intensity resistance & impact training including plyometrics.
👩🏻🦳Research showed that even the most frail the more they respond from the movement exercise described above.
🦴Dr Libby discusses bone health here. https://www.drlibby.com/health-wellbeing/building-great-bone-health/
🍁One last May weekend. Before we hit the first day of winter 🥶! Enjoy the last of the autumn colour & work towards our KILOMETRE challenge for JUNE!
And as my quote this week says. Be proud of yourself for how HARD your trying! 🌸💗 every effort to improve your health no matter how small is appreciated by your body!