☕️Do you complete your gym class & head to the cafe - takeaway coffee & plus muffin?
☕️It’s great to catch up with the group after a session at the gym but … I want you to think about the last coffee you enjoyed. Delicious? Soothing? Requires a 30-minute run to burn it off?
🚴🏻♂️If your goal is to get fitter then keep going with the walking or strength class!
⚖️However if your goal is weight loss have you thought about what your drinking vs the exercise? Perhaps replace the milky coffee with a herbal tea?
☕️Remember that super-sized coffee cups equate to a small meal's worth of calories and might be the reason why people cannot lose weight, particularly if they drink two or more of these each day.
🥛In reality, most people will mix a little (or a lot) of milk in with their coffee and this is where the calories start to add up.
☕️☕️That’s right, your daily ritual of two cups before lunch could amount to a whopping 630 calories! When it comes to calories in coffee, the brew you choose takes a lot to burn.
☕️If you want a coffee hit without the calories then grab an Espresso, which has only one calorie per regular cup. A Long Black will only set you back three calories.
😩A constant stream of sugar from the milk in a large coffee is adding a significant number of calories into your diet, and studies have also shown that feeding the body with a constant stream of sugar, even if it is from lactose.
😌Dr Libby says Caffeine leads to the production of adrenaline, the hormone behind the fight or flight response.
😌And not only does this lead the body to primarily utilise glucose as a fuel source rather than fat, it typically leads people to feel like they need more caffeine or sugar to get through the day.
☕️I enjoy a Latte occassionally, but it’s not an every day or even every other day treat!
😩It’s the frequency of the extra treats, takeaways, alcohol, processed foods that is the problem!
😩So consider are you drinking your takeaway coffee or coffee plus muffin occassionally (once a week) or is it a frequent activity. Then consider what your health & wellness goals are & how much this treat (& it is) adding up?
💛Have a great weekend - our November challenge is to do 5-10 press ups daily Monday to Thursday, so perhaps join us for the next 4 weeks!
