Starting afresh every week isn’t ideal as then your in yoyo dieting mode! However sometimes we do need to reset our lifestyle & with SPRING it’s a great opportunity to rethink what we want as far as our HEALTH is concerned.
❓Do you have lots of ENERGY? or are you SLUGGISH?
❓Do you have HEALTH ISSUES like high blood pressure, cholesterol or heart concerns?
❓Do you eat a diet high in processed or takeaway foods?
❓How many coloured foods do you eat daily?
❓Is your waist measurement higher than 94cm Men or 80cm Woman - Heart disease /diabetes risk
❓Do you do any exercise?
🔴When you answer these questions honestly does this lead you to consider some CHANGE? I ask my clients to write down what they're currently eating, drinking (water & alcohol) & what fitness they're doing. From here I can help them make the changes they need to lead a HEALTHIER LIFE. Often we can correct some health issues & always provide more energy.
🔴What do you want from your life? As my article on Monday discussed - do you want one with more medication or one filled with activity?
🔴A FREE CONSULTATION could help you make this change happen! The article discussed how a 50 year old man when from looking down at his extended stomach to making a change & now at age 84 he has no age-related diseases, is medication-free!
🔴We also discussed Carbohydrates & how they supply the body with glucose the fuel you use first when you start to exercise, and the fuel that your brain, kidneys & red blood cells prefer.
🔴Carbohydrates can be simple or complex. Simple carbs are sugars, lollies, soft drinks, and other sweet products that provide little or no nutritional value. They enter your blood stream quickly & are either used up or stored as fat. Complex carbs are typically sources of more extended energy; kumera & brown rice are examples. The energy from complex carbs usually take longer to enter the bloodstream & provide a more sustained form of energy.
🔴As much as all this jargon is interesting & relevant as Dr Libby Weaver says we stop needing to understand this when we simply eat whole, real food. “Plus we don’t need science to tell us that a carrot is a better food choice than a chocolate bar. Let’s bring back common sense.”
🌸Spring brought a punch this week with SNOW FALLING in Ashburton after 22 deg the day before. But with lighter nights & warmer days more probable - lets get outside! We’ve also started a burpee challenge trying to hit 20 each week & up to 2minutes prone hold to for September!
👴🏻Happy Father's day this Sunday - look at the great recipes I’ve shared this week as an option for DAD!