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Writer's pictureTracey Tordoff

Age is really just a number not an excuse

I often meet people through my role as a Personal Trainer or life who tell me they’re ageing at 40+ or 50+ & think that some sports or even day to day activities will become difficult because they’re getting old.

☹️This should not be the case! Fitness can give you a life of saying YES not I’m too old or unfit!

☹️I also hear how some have tried removing foods groups, gluten, dairy or tried shake diets because they feel unwell. When in actual fact they may require more vegetables & some fruit along with healthy fats, proteins & carbohydrates rather than the processed or takeaway foods they’re eating.

🍳Nourish your body - consider what the foods you eat give you. Including fitness in your day can give you a fulfilling life. Giving up on activities or struggling with everyday living should not be a consideration.

😀If this is you then look at what changes you can make through starting some fitness & nourishing your body. If you need advice then ask a professional as google or media can have conflicting advice.

🥩We also discussed making an effort to increase IRON LEVELS which can make a difference to energy, how effectively your thyroid functions, how anxious you feel & your ability to think clearly. Women of especially menstruating age can often be low in IRON.

Other reasons to be low in IRON are:

🥩They dislike the taste of red meat, or choose not to eat it, and struggle to find alternative iron sources

🥩They have gut challenges, which is leading to poor absorption of the nutrients from food

🥩They eat iron-rich foods in meals that are also rich in calcium, and calcium blocks the absorption of iron

🥩They exercise almost to the point of over-exercising, particularly running

🥩They’re pregnant and their body’s demand for iron is greater

🥩They’re recovering from an illness that demanded more iron from their body.

Information on IRON can be found at & a blood test can tell your IRON level.

🍷It’s the end of JULY this weekend & if you’ve completed DRY JULY (ish) congratulations! If you’ve reduced your alcohol intake and increased your water intake as I challenged clients to do then AWESOME TOO!

🌸It is now only a month until SPRING so enjoy the thought of warmer weather to come along with days getting lighter earlier and later! - and make FITNESS & PLANNING NOURISHING MEAL CHOICES part of your weekend!

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