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Writer's pictureTracey Tordoff

HEALTH IS WEALTH - use it or lose it!

“SMALL HEALTHY HABITS ADD UP & COMPOUND INTO A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE” Some may just ignore this quote & SHOUT NOT ME! but it’s true, small steps lead to big changes. I mentioned a similar saying last week. And I will repeat it constantly as our HEALTH should be a PRIORITY. Once you lose it - it can be very hard to get it back, but often so much easier to keep! Consider what you’d lose if your HEALTH was gone?

😐reduced time with family/friends

😐reduced mobility

😐reduced enjoyment of life

😐reduced ability to join in

😐reduced employment

😐 maybe loss of income

😐reduced flexibility to bend

😐these are just a few not welcome possibilities

Make those small steps to change to healthier choices & don’t take your health for granted. Everyone can make one small step to better health today!

Earlier in the week I shared a post on a man who has taken to marathon running after being an alcoholic & smoker. Here is what he had to say "But make no mistake about it, like the other 20 runners who are expected to take part in Sunday's marathon, Greig will finish a champion, particularly given where he has come from. I'm full of gratitude every day. I have a deep sense of gratitude, even the stuff that doesn't go well”. & here is the link

We are at week two of our October challenge to reduce alcohol and drink more water. We have almost finished our 100’s in the gym which many amazed they can get 300-400 exercises completed in their session.

Term 4 has started at school & the year is flying by quickly, so before a NEW YEAR rolls around make some changes to how you live your life now. BE HEALTHIER…think about your food choices - do they give you vitamins / minerals & nutrients or NOT? Get outside & exercise as it’s much warmer & lighter, sleep a little more if you're not getting enough & finally try our October challenge. Middle of October here we are! 🥰☀️🙌🏻

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