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Writer's pictureTracey Tordoff


DO YOU EAT FAT? WHAT THE FAT? Is a book worth reading about how fats should be included where once they were shunned & how to live a healthy fat, protein, low carb way of life. Which as I said last week is essentially how I live. Healthy fats such as:




👍🏻Olives / Oil

👍🏻Oily Fish


These are all foods we should be including not excluding. Did you know that Fats along with Protein make you feel fuller so you don’t eat as much of them? Consuming adequate fat helps you to manage your mood, stay alert and even assist with weight management (helping to push us from glucose energy source to fat source). The more you train your body to utilise fat as a preferred fuel source the less hungry you will be.

😁Fats are also needed for helping us absorb essential vitamins like D, E, K and A, as well as for maintaining healthy skin. They are an integral part of our immunity and brain development.

A good 🍳 breakfast with real-food fat will set you up for the day, satisfying you and fuelling you through the morning. If you're seeking a sweet treat in the afternoon consider increasing your healthy fat intake at lunch & see how your body responds to this change. Here is the link to more information

😁My quote for the weeks was about embracing burpee’s! My burpee’s always include a press up. I believe they are one the great exercises you can do anywhere & include all the big muscle groups - arm, legs, ab’s. Include them in your routine at home or at the gym & we did timed 30 second burpee’s this week which we then doubled the reps in the second round of our workout. (See pix below)

😁We also started our new challenge of “how many kilometres can we do!” Each week I’ll ask my clients what they’ve done & lets then see how far we can travel in a month! I’ll be updating you here …. your welcome to send in your kilometres to add to our total!

What a fantastic start to SPRING… although the weather is looking a bit off for the next few days (I put this down to mum visiting as she has this impact on the weather in the South Island - sorry mum but you do!)

😁Enjoy your weekend & enjoy some burpee’s - 10 is the amount I’m asking my clients to do over the weekend! Try a new recipe for spring 🌸& wrap up or unwrap & enjoy the outdoors - I can promise you, you won’t regret it!

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