YOU WERE BORN TO BE REAL NOT PERFECT! If you try to be perfect in what you nourish your body with or exercise then your setting yourself up to feel guilty when you can’t maintain that life. BE REAL - occasionally it’s takeaway night or wine 🍷 with friends or cake for a birthday 🍰 & that’s REAL. I’m happy with my body most of the time; I like the muscle I have & cardio fitness levels. I can be REAL & have flexibility. If your goal is weight loss still be REAL NOT PERFECT but you need to be aiming for 80% real not yo-yo dieting. You need to be exercising 4-6 times a week, sleeping, hydrating & here’s an IMPORTANT PART - working on stress levels.
Like I told my clients this week when we are highly stressed (marriage breakup or death in family) we can sometimes lose weight. But dealing with day to day stresses can mean the body is laying down cortisol & therefore keeping or increasing body fat stores for a fight or flight response it’s expecting. It will therefore be a battle to lose weight when your body is stressed 😩 so take time on that run or walk to take in the view or breath deeply when sitting & enjoying a tea ☕️ or lie down with your legs up a wall (google this as very good) or take a class of yoga 🧘♀️ or Pilates. These activities will enable your body to recognise that your not off to battle but life is good. This will enable change to happen & all the effort your putting into a better life to be realised.
Every week we work on moving towards a healthier life and learn what it takes to make that change be a REAL & PERMANENT ONE!
We are still on our March add in or change with foods, exercise, water & getting to bed earlier for some. Have a great weekend & enjoy the inspiring recipe ideas I’m sharing to make a change to how you nourish your body!