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Writer's pictureTracey Tordoff


Hi - Daylight savings is here tomorrow. When we wake up we will have SPRUNG FORWARD INTO SUMMER! Please let the weather guru’s know as it’s been a true SPRING with a mix of weather. But I’m ever the optimist and I know it’s just got to get warmer.

The nights will be longer and warmer, and we will start to wear shorts, skirts, and swim wear, so how’s that all looking? I’ve posted some information on facebook about this but thought I’d give you a heads up before that show’s tomorrow. This is what I’m saying:

As the weather improves so does our ability to get outside, walk to the shops rather than drive, walk in the evenings as it’s lighter and warmer, do more with the children as we have more daylight. Make the extra hours that it’s light work for you. Include fitness as part of your life for at least 4 times a week and the rewards will be worth the effort not only in mind, but body! Just remember to challenge yourself in some way as the same old walk becomes boring for your body!!

With the warmer weather comes more fruit and vegetables and we all know that 80% of the way we are shaped is because of what we eat (some does come down to genetics, stress, hormones) but a big part is food! Some have a battle with the healthy and the not healthy. It is amazing though once you make that change mentally to not eat certain foods how that craving can be diminished! Like we are currently doing for 4 weeks when you tell yourself that the change is only for the short term, when you get to the end of that period you’ll often find you don’t have the same need or desire for that food item and the way your feeling will outweight the need to eat it. Once we are finished with our 4 week challenge you may want to take up another of your own. 4 weeks can make a difference.

I’ve also been reminded this week and perhaps I don’t say it enough but you all inspiire me so much!!! Without you there would be no Personal Trainer and I wouldnt be as motivated. You all motivate me whether you realise it or I acknowledge it or not. Almost everytime you come to the gym I learn something from you or I’m inspired by your determination. However I want it to be fun - not always fun but I want you to take time to recognise what you get out of it. Why you do it! It should be to make you strong, fit and able to leap small buildings!!! It should empower you to be able to have a sense of achievement. To be able to do things you once thought were impossible. To be able to live a better life. I hope some of these are the reasons you workout!!

This is my last weekly blog I suppose you can call it rather than ramble. I’ve enjoyed putting them together as it’s challenged me to think differently sometimes. Enjoy the sunshine as its Vitamin D as well as sun!!! Just slip slop and slap too. Keep putting one foot in front of another, don’t ever think all is lost as it never is. Smell the roses and the daffodils and enjoy what life has to give. Keep trying your best to make healthier choices as not only do you respond but so do those around you. I’ve included a couple of articles you may find interesting too!!

enjoy summer and your body and those awesome foods in the markets soon xx Tracey :-)

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