OMG it’s here DAYLIGHT SAVINGS IS COMING THIS WEEK!!! I’ve been counting down for ages and It’s been tough and a lot of effort. For some I know you think you’ve not made it or not done as well as you could have. I hope I’ve not put too much pressure on you as I want you to succeed but not at the expense of happiness.
Making changes to our bodies when we have been living a certain way is a hard thing to change. Look at all the tablets, patches and programs that are around for people who wish to give up smoking. Unhealthy eating is just as much of a habit to break as is smoking. It’s easy as we are use to doing it. I am asking you to make a change and you must learn NEW things and learning NEW can be tiring in our already busy lives. Children, work, husbands, friends, and everything else pulls at us to do this or that for them. Finding some time for you can be almost impossible. But hold onto the fact that we have time, maybe not everyday to be PERFECT (but we are not aiming for perfection just consistency and moderation) but sometime to make a small change.
I’m not PERFECT as I said on facebook this week I ATE MACDONALDS on Sunday night!!! Does this make me unhealthy? NO one unhealthy meal does not make me UNHEALTHY NEITHER DOES ONE HEALTHY MEAL MAKE ME HEALTHY but its a start in the right direction. Don’t try to be too hard on yourselves if your not PERFECT as we are not aiming for PERFECTION we are aiming for better than we were and then better than last week, then better again, and we may not be doing that every week, but don’t be too hard on yourself as your making change and your TRYING.
This week in the GYM I gave you all a very hard workout to do and yes there was protest at how hard it was from some - some awesome swearing from one client saw the M, F and B words come out - ha ha I say!! YOU ALL SURVIVED AND DID FABULOUSLY WELL. I’m impressed and I love the fact that my clients go to regular gyms and watch others do press ups on their knees knowing they’re cheating and then smash out regular press ups!!!
A new client this week said she couldn’t do press ups on her hands and feet. I told her she could and she DID - 5 of them. We then proceeded to do other things and managed another 3 sets of 5 through the hour!!! We are capable of greatness when we believe in ourselves. YOU ARE ALL MORE CAPABLE OF ANYTHING YOU CHOOSE TO DO AND I SEE THIS IN ALL OF YOU ALL THE TIME. I see doubt and FEAR but I know you can. I love it when I can surprise you by seeing you DO IT!! Loads of CHIN UP’s this week too and those who didn’t don’t worry you will one day!! Your on the CHIN UP ROSTER!!!
JUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELVES. We tell our kids, friends and family they can and then we tell ourselves we CAN’T. Why do we do this. I have doubts sometimes and then I think of all of you and what I get you to do and those doubts turn into TRY IT!!! I’m still working on my handstands. I’m trying to do one in mid air and then walk my hands. I’ve been trying for 12 months so far and I’m almost ready to move into the centre of the room. I could of given up. But I kmow I don’t let my kids give up and I’ve many more years left so I’m going to keep on trying.
So here we are at Daylight SAVINGS and although our lofty goals may not have been entirely reached - I’m PROUD that we all made it through WINTER - looking either as we did going in or with some change. WINTER is tough and it’s easy to HIBERNATE but we all gave it a good go and did our exercise in -9 or lots of minus temperatures. We changed to some healthier foods and learnt new things about how we can eat. We now need to get excited as the SUN IS GOING TO SHINE FOR LONGER, THE AIR IS GOING TO WARM UP AND FLOWERS ARE GOING TO LOOK BEAUTIFUL AND there are lots of things to smile about. Keep trying, take small steps as these lead to big ones.
P.s MUM is not visiting - not sure what’s happening to the weather this weekend. Bring out those winter woolies one last time and try to make ME time in your lives - your worth the effort!!!! and attention!!
To finish off - some quotes to keep you going - some workouts in case the weather man is right and some information on healthy breakfast cereals and also on eating after dinner