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Writer's pictureTracey Tordoff

Why be Healthy & Strong not Good & Bad

Hi - And the SUN came out!!! when my mum left! Well, it really is countdown onto summer. This week in the gym I will be asking you all for a 2 week B4 daylight savings and 2 week AFTER challenge food item. I know for sure that some food items or drinks we don’t need have snuck back into our every day eating. I would like them to be eliminated again and so I’m giving you the GIVE THEM UP challenge. CUT them out and watch what a difference four weeks can make. I think it’s also one last FOOD DIARY TIME - so expect it in the gym this week!

A client of mine sent me this quote this week and I want you to reflect on it, as it really states what I believe and that is we make changes to our eating habits because we want to be more HEALTHY. We add fitness into our lives because we want to be fitter and be able to do more things with our family, children, friends. By making these changes our body changes as a matter of course. We do not DIET to lose weight - HEALTH IS OUR MAIN GOAL. If HEALTH IS NOT YOUR GOAL why is it not? I really want to change your perception and it may take some thought on your behalf.

I also had a friend diagnosed as PRE-DIABETIC this week. I’ve been harping on for a while about changing his eating habits, removing the chocolate bars and icecream and reducing the portions of his meals (3 steaks is way too many for dinner), well now he will. He is focused on this piece of information he heard “IF HE MOVES FROM PRE-DIABETIC TO DIABETIC HE COULD REDUCE HIS LIFE BY 10 YEARS” and he said how STUPID would he be to reduce his life by this much and miss out on 10 YEARS OF HIS CHILDREN and GRAN CHILDREN one day growing up. Is it that hard he said to not eat the icecream when given the 10 year loss alternative. I told him he is in a way lucky, as he know what he needs to change, he is already doing some fitness with minimum cardio and weights which is helpful, but he will need to make more changes going forward. This is a reminder to us all of where we could be if we don’t embrace change.

On the other end of the scale I had someone mention to me “I WANT ABS LIKE IN THE PICTURE I HAVE IN MY GYM” and I often get from friends how do I get rid of the bat wings on my arms, the answer to both is the same. Moderation in the food department and fitness and constant fitness. I’ve added an article on this to the end of my ramble this week. It is achievable and sit ups aren’t the answer but press ups or burpees are a help so is walking, running, tennis, biking, cardio activities and weight activities to build muscle and speed up metabolism.

Finally after last weeks email about healthy being bland I did post some pictures on facebook of healthy foods and how healthy foods aren’t just iceberg lettuce with tomato and carrot! They are fabulously amazingly YUM! I use buckwheat but limit the amount you use. Cauli may become your new favourite vegetable when you try it done this way! I even suggested replacing popcorn at the movies with Cauli roasted it's so YUM.

Have a fabulous week, make cardio your friends as the days get longer and warmer, enjoy lifting some weights or your body weight and change your perception of DIET TO HEALTHY LIVING!!


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