Counting down to Christmas Day
Day 10. 🎶Play a Christmas song and dance for the whole song once this week or today 💃🕺🪩
🌲Halfway through the month and it’s always incredible to watch many clients grow their potential. I always have my professional goals as the trainer to improve the fitness & health of my clients.
🤩And then my clients realise their own goals & potential & achieve more because they are fitter & healthier.
😍we continue our monthly focus with DECEMBER IS ALL ABOUT GRATTITUDE.
😍BEING grateful for one thing in the morning or at night. With the rush on it’s great to take time to appreciate what we have.
🌲So as the busy ramps up also consider:
🎅🏻Get enough rest (make sure you get to bed earlier & have a restful sleep. Leave the devices in the lounge)
🎅🏻Moderation of treats (with work shouts, or gifts to say thanks of chocolates, make sure you moderate these & plan ahead to limit the sugar)
🎅🏻Stay hydrated (keep a water bottle handy or enjoy a cold tea)
Have a great weekend. Make a plan to tick the dancing, sleep, water intake & gratitude!